Monday, September 19, 2016

I think I'm doing, RP's Turkey Enchiladas with Quinoa

It seems like there's a lot of interest in Meg's Meals (do I need to come up with a different name?) and I'm working out the kinks on making it a reality. I'm trying to put together complete meals and using some my friends from my box to test them out. So far, so good! One of the meals that I made was from the Renaissance Periodization Cookbook and got really good reviews.  I added a few extra spices, but basically stayed true to the original recipe. They would prefer that you go to their link if you would like the details. ;-) I also made up a side of quinoa, which I haven't used much of, so I'm glad that it was well received (even Harper ate it!). 

Mexican QuinoaMakes 8 servings: 104 cal/5P/21C(18net)/1F

184 grams whole grain quinoa60 grams chopped onions60 grams chopped bell pepper2 TBS lime juice1 TBS chili powder1TBS cumin powder1 tsp salt1 tsp ground black pepper

Make quinoa according to package directions. Meanwhile, saute peppers and onions in a large sauce pan sprayed with non-stick cooking spray until tender. Add quinoa and spices and combine.

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